Correcting My Pool

3 Signs Your Swimming Pool Needs Repair

Your swimming pool needs proper care and maintenance to serve you longer. If you neglect your swimming pool for too long, you're likely to experience long-term problems such as continuous water leakage that could cost you more money and time to fix. Swimming pool leak detection, routine inspection, and repairs are necessary steps that ensure your pool's prolonged lifespan. Here are the three most common signs that your swimming pool needs repair.

1. Dirty Water

When the water in your swimming pool becomes dirty, you should find the cause. A pool inspection may find blocked sand filters, which is a common cause of dirty swimming pool water. Blocked sand filters can diminish clean water flow into your pool, making your pool water appear cloudy or dirty. Dirty pool water can be a danger to swimmers, as the dirty pool water exposes them to waterborne diseases such as dysentery or causes skin irritation. Preferably, routinely change the pool's sand filters to maintain the pool water clean. 

2. Cracked Walls

Cracks in and around your concrete swimming pool are usually a result of spontaneous expansion and contraction of the walls due to temperature changes. Other causes include poor structural design, insufficient sealing, or substandard construction materials. Cracked walls may cause water leakages, which can weaken and erode the whole swimming pool structure. Also, cracked walls can make your pool appear untidy and old, so you should get them fixed quickly. If the cracks are small, you can easily repair them to avoid further damage. However, a swimming pool leak detection professional may help you with the large complex pool crack repairs.

3. Extremely Cold Water

Very cold water in your heated swimming pool could be due to a malfunctioning heater. Probably, the heater is not working efficiently due to blocked pipes leading to inadequate water flow to the pool. Therefore, you should check if the pipes are clogged, and unclog them to allow free water to flow in and out of the pool. Insufficient airflow can also make the heater malfunction, since a lower airflow leads to improper heater operation, making the heater fail to heat the pool properly. Once you notice that your pool water is abnormally cold, you should schedule repairs or replace the whole heating unit. 

If you regularly inspect your swimming pool, you can avoid future costly repairs and maintenance costs. At least you will detect the most common problems earlier enough and have them fixed at the right time. Make sure you consult swimming pool leak detection professionals to handle any repair that your swimming pool may need.
