Correcting My Pool

Tips For Safely Draining Your Inground Concrete Swimming Pool For Necessary Repairs

If it is necessary for you to drain your inground concrete swimming pool to make necessary repairs, then it's important you do so in a safe manner. Incorrectly draining the water from your swimming pool can swamp your property at best and can completely ruin the structural integrity of your pool at worst. Thankfully, by following some simple guidelines, you can drain your pool, make necessary repairs, and fill it back up with water without any unnecessary problems.

To drain your inground pool in a safe manner, follow these tips:

Tip: Check with the Local Authorities Prior to Draining

Before you start to drain your swimming pool, first, you absolutely must call up your local building code enforcement office and ask if there are any special restrictions that apply. Especially if your home is located within city limits, the local authorities may have special rules about how and where you can drain the water from your pool. As if paying for pool repairs isn't stressful enough on your budget, the last thing you want is to be fined for illegally draining your pool!

Tip: Remove the Hydrostatic Plugs from the Bottom of the Pool to Help with Drainage

Your swimming pool has a couple of hydrostatic plugs that must be removed before draining out its water. To remove the plugs, you need to turn them in the counterclockwise direction. Once the plugs are removed, set them in a safe place for re-installation once your repair work has been completed.

Tip: Use a Strong Sump or Submersible Pump for Faster Draining

There are a few different ways you can remove the water from your swimming pool, but the fastest and most effective is to use a strong sump or submersible pump. Place the pump into the water and place its discharge hose into your sewer main or in a field well away from any structures, septic systems, or water wells.

Tip: Refill Your Swimming Pool With Water as Soon as Possible

In conclusion, it is vital that you refill your inground concrete swimming pool with water as soon as you possibly can. Concrete pools that sit empty can be lifted out of the ground by groundwater or crack in the hot sunshine. To avoid these fates and to avoid having to make further very expensive repairs, fill your pool back up with water as soon as its repairs have been completed.  

Contact a swimming pool repair service for more information and assistance. 
